Twin Flame Ascension Oracle Card Deck
*If outside of the USA Click Here to contact the publisher with your city and country to be connected with your nearest, authorized distributor of U.S.G.S. decks.
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5 Color Suites
11 Cards Each
The Twin Flame Ascension Oracle Card Deck prepares you to connect with your twin flame and align with your life purpose through an 11-step self-actualization process. Twin flame ascension begins when your inner soul-self becomes activated through a spiritual awakening. The Take Me Home Pathway spreadsheet consists of 11-steps in the twin flame ascension journey. The imagery and energy of the deck guides you through the rebirthing process that allows a shift in perception, new insight, and more fulfillment in all areas of life. Set includes 55-card deck, 108-page guidebook and custom spread sheet.
Weight 1.0 (lbs.)
Size Box measures: 3.875” x 4.375”; 55 cards measure: 3.5” x 4”
Language: EN
Author: Dr. Harmony
Artist: Tatiana Hassan

Order Your Deck Today!
Included In Your Deck...
Take Me Home Pathway
Spread Sheet
*If outside of the USA Click Here to contact the publisher with your city and country to be connected with your nearest, authorized distributor of U.S.G.S. decks.

Guide Book
NOW Accepting Preorders -
Expected to Release March-April 2022
The Twin Flame Ascension Oracle Card Deck prepares you to connect with your twin flame and align with your life purpose through an 11-step self-actualization process. Twin flame ascension begins when your inner soul-self becomes activated through a spiritual awakening. The Take Me Home Pathway spreadsheet consists of 11-steps in the twin flame ascension journey. The imagery and energy of the deck guides you through the rebirthing process that allows a shift in perception, new insight, and more fulfillment in all areas of life. Set includes 55-card deck, 108-page guidebook and custom spread sheet.
Weight 1.0 (lbs.)
Size Box measures: 3.875” x 4.375”; 55 cards measure: 3.5” x 4”
Language: EN
Author: Dr. Harmony
Artist: Tatiana Hassan